by Danny | Jun 20, 2017 | Uncategorized
A Memory of June 15th, 1967, Monterey, California It was a mellow summer night. Orange colored pennants fluttered in the benevolent breeze as I walked down the midway. I breathed in the cool Pacific air, and released a sigh of satisfaction. In the...
by Danny | Jun 19, 2017 | Poetic Side
she was equal parts joy and sadness darkness and light hope and fear held hands in symbiotic step laughing eyes would beam as her dulcet voice danced through the air her smiling elation infectious to those close to her but suddenly, birds of sorrow could swoop and...
by Danny | Jun 19, 2017 | Poetic Side
summer’s calling card the summer heat comes in on a breeze to worry a tall eucalyptus, rustling her leaves and teasing off the last vestiges of bark the fragments twirl as they fall in slow motion to the ground to lie like scattered pieces of a puzzle a peacock...
by Danny | Jun 18, 2017 | Poetic Side
distant drums in a dream I walk an endless path through a barren land I reach out to pick a dying rose with a trembling hand and in the distance I hear drums of passion, drums of peace on and on they will never cease drums of fire, drums of rain distant drums beating...
by Danny | Jun 18, 2017 | Poetic Side
he thrived on the approving nod, the thumbs up, the intoxicating applause but slowly learned that attention is fickle adoring eyes soon flit upon other shiny new objects there is always an understudy in the wings, a new kid in town, an up-and-comer hungrier than you...