
dismantling the swimming pool that I’d so lovingly assembled a few years back.  with sledge hammer and pliers in hand it is quick, un-meticulous work. the sum disappears  as the parts scatter. the whacked metal pipes  fall in disarray I pause to wipe my brow...


the kid takes the stage asold age stands in the wingswatching, hook in hand  he falls into a familiar time stepfeet shuffling and sliding in rhythmand opens his throat to sing… just one more song before the spotlight fades

Down is the New Up

down is the new upup is the new down confused?not to worryconfusion is the new normal chaos stands in for processimpulse elbows out reason that arrogant snarl of exclusion?don’t you know?that’s the new happy face 02/20/18

The Drowning

forced to stare directly into the glare of the Orwellian klieg light waterboarded by wave upon wave of outrageous lies drowning in this flood of mendacity I yearn for the chance to breath once again...

Damage Done

damage done the china lies in fragments on the shop floor damage done the mantle shredded and scattered to the wind to ‘undo’ is a harder task than ‘to do’ (or ‘not to do’) it’s far easier to inflict the wound than it is to...