the wound unhealed

the wound unhealed still festers and throbs as hardened minds yet draw lines in the sand and screaming heads point a crooked finger but the truth lies somewhere in the murky waterdormant, awaiting illumination 09/27/17
suddenly there was Sly

suddenly there was Sly

suddenly there was Sly Sly the irrepressible  tossing tickets like confetti, inviting the world to take a ride on his ferris wheel of funk Sly, the inclusive pied piper, leading the dance line – black and white, male and female, everyday people – to a...

the slump

the slump lingers like a hovering cloud over the playing field abandoned by the gods the golden boys of summer have lost the magic touch that made believers of us all we watch, bewildered by the long, slow fall from grace luck has turned against them. pressing, second...

the tap

running to the incessant tap of time upon my shoulder still burning the fuel of ambition and desire but the meter ticks and the inevitable question looms like a traffic sign ahead do I quicken the pace or slow it down, lay back, and take in the scenery?...

the outcast

tresspass unforgiven the pointed finger castes its shadow the city gates slam shut a solitary figure walks the long and winding path to contemplate in the wilderness 12/20/14